Monday, March 18, 2013

Reaching Safety

March 2, 2013 It is a beautiful day to be in the air.  Soon I will be in Rwanda, the land of a 1000 hills! I love to look at the earth below and marvel at God’s greatness. He sees me and knows me yet I could be lost in this vast world below. What love is this that God the creator of the vast heavens and the earth below would look at me?  It is amazing, pure and undefiled love that is always caring, strong yet ever tender. Soon the land beneath us turns into a shining mirror.  Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest lake is beneath us.The flight was good and my dear friend, Pastor Leo, was patiently waiting for me at the Kigali airport. My plane had left on African time….forty five minutes late.
My heart ached as I watched him struggle to walk.  With a cane in one hand each small step was taken with such caution.  One leg struggled to keep up with the other, it often dragged behind.  A strong young man soon came to his aid and assisted him with such love.  He is known as “Daddy” to so many because of the 50 years of service he has put into the ministry.
The Rwandan Genocide took place in 1994. It lasted approximately 100 days starting on April 6 through mid-July. In 100 days over 500,000 people were killed. Estimates of those that were killed ranged from 500,000–1,000,000, about 20% of the country's total population.It was a horrific time for Rwanda and most everyone you talk to lost family in this time.Pastor Leo lost many family members during the genocide. 
March 3, 2013 It is Sunday morning and even though it takes all of his strength Pastor Leo is going to church.  Today we will be going to one of the churches he started in Kigali. 
 It holds 5000 people and they have two services every Sunday morning.  The first service is spoken in French and the second in Rwandese.   However when I spoke it was in English J and translated into Rwandese.
 The choir was energized and full of joy and others joined them in dance.
 Psalm 146:6 He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them-he remains faithful forever.

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