Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spitting Cobra Attacks

February 24, 2013 Shortly after the morning service I received a message about Pastor Florence.  She is a Turkana woman and she oversees the church that we built in the Lodwar area. 
She is tiny in frame but continues to go further out into the interior parts of the desert to preach the gospel.  Here in the desert there is much to be concerned about; scorpions, poisonous snakes, the hot sun and lack of water are some of the worries.
She sleeps in the round roofed huts made from branches of the desert palm.  A mat placed on the dirt floor becomes her bed.  The air cools a bit as the stars light the sky but still a night covering is not necessary.  Morning comes and as she moves something within the hut a very large cobra is alert and waiting for her.  He is upright and spits in her face.  The poisonous venom penetrates one eye and causes intense pain.
Even with a motorbike the nearest hospital is over an hour away.  She is admitted to the hospital and treatment is started immediately.  While back in the interior those within the village go on a snake hunt until the cobra is found and killed.
Please pray for Pastor Florence that she will recover without any damage to her eyesight.
Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

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