Monday, November 24, 2008

A Prayer Of Thanksgiving

Sunday we gathered at the church at 8 a.m. A few of us traveled by bus from the church to a pool used for baptism. It was an honor to assist in the baptism of two young women.

As we returned to Kawangware the morning service had already begun. As we walked we could hear the praise music coming from the church. With the loud speakers mounted on the outside of the church the sound of worship went well into the "Congo" area of Kawangware.

This mornings message was "Run in Obedience" - Acts 8:26-38. There was a time for individual prayer after the service.

There was much rejoicing in the camp today. Many have worked hard this past week. They have had a goal to finish their latrine for this morning service. They accomplished their goal! This Sunday their new 30 ' deep, cement floor, metal sided, 2 door latrine was ready for use. They even added an enclosed extension with a cement floor for the neighbors to use for bathing. We know the angels have been rejoicing!

Our feet are still going house to house. We recently visited with a young mother of 3 children. She has asked Jesus into her heart. We returned to a hairdresser's shop. We had prayed with her earlier. She was ill and asleep on the floor when we stopped for the first time. We prayed for her health and her financial situation. Today we pray a prayer of thanksgiving. There is much to thank God for. After we prayed health returned to her body. Also someone stopped and gave her 2000 ksh /$30 US. Someone else came and gave her necessary food items in large quantities. She is over joyed at how God has blessed her.

Ps 13:6 I will sing to the Lord for he has been good to me.

To all of my family and friends in the USA,

Have a "Happy Thanksgiving"

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Another lost and lonely soul

The mud boots work! It rained so much last week the sneakers got pushed aside and the black rubber boots got put on.  We started our walk with the umbrella open and the mud boots on the feet.

Most children are happy to see a white woman. They will run to me and grab my hand.  Then every once in awhile there will be a child or two that runs the other way.  Saturday was such a day.  While walking down through an area of produce stands a couple small children started to cry. As I walked closer the crying got louder and they became more terrified.  It was so loud that the people stopped what they were doing and stepped out into the street to see what was happening.  Then they saw me, stopped in my tracks, and started laughing.  I tried my best to make friends with these two little ones.  No matter what I did they just kept screaming.  Throughout the day I walked by this area a couple more times.  I would smile and wave at the girls as I  "quickly" walked by.  They got to the point where they didn't cry but they would run and hide behind mom!

 On our way out of the slums we decide to walk a different way than usual.  On the outskirts of the slums someone calls out "Pastor".  We are taken to a 19 year old girl.  She had tried to commit suicide 3 or 4 hours earlier. An abusive home life has left her damaged and scarred.  With head held down and tears flowing down her face she is told how valuable & special she is.

A woman from the church welcomes her into her house. There she will have a safe place to sleep.  Before she leaves us she asks Jesus into her heart. Sunday we learned how Jesus is with us even in the storms of life. Job 38:1 God spoke to Job  "Out of the storm".

We had a man join us that has been in the hospital for 1 ½ months.  Someone had put poison in his drink and he nearly died.  It was necessary to remove a portion of his stomach. 

 There was a time of fellowship after the service. The ladies had hot coffee for everyone.  Then we enjoyed some sunshine as we sat outside for awhile.  The area children gather with us.  The girls love to play with my hair.  Over and over again I hear them say, "it is so soft".

 Monday we started visiting an area with 110 homes.  We prayed with a woman that was so ill.  She tried to sit up in bed when we entered. I told her to just be still and rest. We would not stay but pray for her and then leave.  You could see the pain in her eyes.

Her body was hot with fever. I took her hand and prayed for her. That night we received a report of how God had restore her to health. After we prayed the pain and fever left. She got up, dressed and went to work J  I saw her the next morning.  She was very healthy, on her feet and working with a smile.

 As we went door to door in this area two other men accepted Jesus. Neighbors around the church are bringing good reports. They tell us that this area has changed since the church moved in. At night this was an area of much robbery, fights and people were being killed. Now the area is much safer and they feel peace around them.

 Waste is not hidden here in Kawangware.  It is beneath your feet and in front of your eyes constantly. The smells penetrate your nose while the flies swarm around your head.  In places there are mountains made of waste and garbage or so you think. As your eyes quickly scan what is before you they fall on a precious,valuable beating heart.  Here in the middle of Kawangware, in the middle of  the garbage pile lies another lost and lonely soul.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Open Door

There is another church close to the one I attend.

Worship at this church takes place with all the

windows and doors shut.  Their shoes are

removed and everyone wears a robe.


I was outside visiting with different ones, when

the door opened.  There stood the prophet and

the priest in their robes and turbans.  They motioned

to me and asked me to come in. 


I was surprised, pleased and honored by the invitation. 

I took my shoes off at their door and entered.

They then asked me to speak and to pray for them.


There have been so many opportunities to serve Jesus. 

Each one very different as each individual is unique and special. 

I love each opportunity that comes my way.  I'm ready to walk

through more open doors….the doors of opportunity.


I don't want to miss any!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Where Are You Going?

Every Sunday there are loud speakers attached to the outside of the church.  Even in the rain the songs and sermon ring throughout the community.  You never know how many lives are touched and changed by the Word of God. Some of the faces and names we might never know.


Today though we are encouraged as Eric joins us.  He shares with us how the Word of God has touched him.


The story of Hannah found in I Samuel 1 went out over the loud speakers.  Hannah, a woman, scorned, looked down on, an outcast, deliberately ridiculed, still kept her heart pure. Feeling discouraged and alone, she continued to pray to God.


Eric was listening from his home as I spoke about this woman. He heard how strong she was through so much difficulty.  He explained that in his culture women were thought of as weaker and less than man.  As I spoke he was thinking…if a woman can be this strong certainly I can.


I continued on and included how Hannah was concerned about her reputation.  When she was accused of being drunk, she said "I have not been drinking"  "I am not a wicked woman". I encouraged the church to be concerned about their words & actions. I encouraged them to keep a good reputation.


Eric listening from his home was also drinking his "spirits." He immediately puts his drink down and stands up.  His wife says "Where are you going?  To another bar?" He replied  "No, I'm going to church!"


As I spoke I noticed a man walking back & forth outside the back door of the church.  I didn't realize how much God was working within this man.


After the service I sat with Eric.  He shared with me how years ago he went to church.  He got discourage when troubles came. He stopped going to church until today.  Today he recommitted his life to Jesus.  He happily states that next Sunday he will come with his whole family.


Psalm 66:5  Come and see what God has done, how awesome His works in man's behalf.

No Place Like Home

Ladies you will love this story.

There is a gap underneath my door. Little creatures like to come & go, especially at night. The light in my room attracts all the little creepy crawlers. When I look at the floor it is alive with all kinds of insects. at times I have a lizard or two join me.  So to stop these uninvited guests I put a large bath towel in front of the door to seal the gap as best as I can.  This seemed to work and it has given me back ownership of my room againJ  A couple days ago I gathered up my laundry.  I also picked this towel up and included it in the arm full of dirty clothes I was carrying. I never thought that there might be lizard keeping warm in that towel. I was holding all the laundry in my arms when I realized something dark was wiggling his way out of the towel.  I quickly dropped the laundry J   I opened the door and got him outside only to have him run right back in.  A second time a gather him and scooted him right outside, only to see him turn and run right back inside. He did not want to leave the comforts of home J   The third time I won!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Will Sing

It seems like Sunday just ended and here it is again The days come and go so quickly.


Sundays the roads in Kawangware are packed with people. Many filling their time with emptiness. Other people are coming and going.  Every once in awhile you'll hear a "beep, beep" and everyone including goats, cows, and sheep will step to the side so the car can pass.  The roads here are more for the people than the vehicles.  Walking is the main source of transportation.  Streets are lined with venders who are setting up their goods for the day. Wagons of bananas, tomatoes and greens sit in the hot sun.  Men on foot pull their carts loaded with goods. Women carry buckets of water on their heads with a baby tied to their back. The feet of cows & chickens are cooking on the open fire.


Drums begin to beat as the different faiths begin to meet.  Some in robes march through the streets, others meet in darkness.  There are those who chant and stomp their feet. Music rolls in waves throughout the day.  It is Sunday in Kawangware.


The mother of the little girl that had boiling water spill on her hand & arm stops us.  The little girl stretched out her burnt arm.  This time we saw new skin, no infection and no scarring.  It looks wonderful!  God is so good.


Anyone in need of "spectacles" received a pair to take home with them today.  What a treasure these glasses are to them. Thank you so much for your donations.


Today's message was "Keep Your Song" Don't let anyone or any circumstance steal it from you.


Psm 104:33  I will sing to the Lord all my life, I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.


Without music my voice went out over the loud speakers, that are attached to the outside of the church, as I sang "Change My Heart Oh God".  I could see people stopping outside as they listened to the woman from America sing.


After Sunday service we did a few visits house to house. At the end of the day I shared a meal with a couple ladies from the church.  The meal they cooked had rice topped with cut up potatoes, tomatoes, pieces of meat & spices.  It has been a great day.