Thursday, March 4, 2010

Creamy & Tasty

Saturday February 27, 2010

Mount Elgon is massive and its strong slopes flow into Uganda as well as Kenya. There are areas of vast forest along with open ranges being plowed for the upcoming planting season. Bev is driving us to, Kimondo, the next to the last village before reaching the Uganda border. The road is a clay substance and the rain waters make it hard to drive in. The further we travel the more the road narrows. The road is far from flat and smooth. It has a severe crown and there is only room for one vehicle at a time. We climb up and over patches of rocks. The road curves up and around the slope bringing us into a land of natural beauty. The huts line the slope. Smiles and waves welcome us as we ride by. Children have lined the sides of the road each holding a plastic bag. The rains have brought a blessing to their diets –"termites". There are many termite holes beside the road after a heavy rain. They will put a stick down the hole to stir up the nest and then catch them as they crawl out. They are collected and fried over the fire. I've been told they are very creamy.

The area is full of color as there are many flowering trees, red, white, purple and yellow. Today's goal is to reach a school of 300 children high on one of the slopes. We see the last incline and thank the Lord for the beauty that is around us and below us. How great our God is. The last patch of road turns into a cow path,- literally. There is a hesitation- should we park and walk or push on. With the vehicle left here it would not be in our sight so we pushed on. Yes, we made it! The vehicle was brought right up to the building and parked in plain view. We all noticed the cool breeze from being in the mountain.

The large school sits high on the knoll with a beautiful view on all sides. The children, many are orphans, are split up into groups and we began to teach "Biblical Foundations". Pastor Thomas and Beth both great interpreters also came to help. Our time here was soon over and as we prepared to leave the dark clouds of the heavy rain season were over us. It was now a race to get down the slope before it pours.

After returning safely to Kitale we then traveled to Maili Saba to another school for children. Before we arrive at the school we stopped quickly to encourage a group of men, women and children having a meeting at the Circle of Light Christian Training Center, The school children are happy to see us. We each take a group and began to teach "Lordship & Obedience". I was given boys probably 6 -8 grade age. One young boy took a liking to me. He smiled and winked at me every time we had eye to eye contact!

The school day is over and our van is full of small children from the school. We give them a ride to a nearby matatu station. It might be raining outside but not in their hearts. They sang all the way to the station.

It has been a full day, we are tired but excited to see what God has done and is doing in so many lives. We thank him for the opportunities to serve Him.

Matthew 28:19

Go and make disciples of all nations……………..

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