Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Drums and Dancing

February 9, 2010 Tuesday - A twenty or thirty minute matatu ride took us out of the busy city of Nairobi and into a small country village. It was good to see the country life once again. Pastor Joseph & Gladys had invited me to their home and to visit their daughter's school. A "white woman" walking by the window of the class room in session was more than the students could handle. One pops up then another and another. Smiles and waves start to spread from seat to seat. The teacher is soon seen at the window to see what was so interesting. It was "me". I hear him start to scold them and soon the room is quiet again and things go back to normal.

Knowing that I am not a great fan of the traditional "Ugali", Gladys tries to cook me "spaghetti". She did a good job and added chicken and sauce with potatoes & carrots. It was served with such love and a costly meal for a meager income.

Gladys has given a beautiful crocheted afghan hand made by Cindy Page. Cindy had requested it be given to a "special lady". Gladys has given nine years of her life to ministering to the street children of Nairobi. She has walked in garbage over and over again. She has gone without so that they could have food. She has had a knife held to her throat and her life has been in danger many times. I have seen the love that both she and her husband have for these children. So thank you Cindy for blessing Gladys. When I told Pastor Joseph that I had this gift for his wife he was so happy. He was laughing with joy and said "Oh, you are going to make her feel so young today." Gladys sang to the Lord after receiving it and she smiled all day!

Feb 10, 2010 Wednesday- Pastor Chris has returned from delivering his daughter to school. He has returned tired and sick. A blood test has revealed that he has malaria, typhoid and his ear is infected. He continues on as Fran Iris, a lady from our slum church, has suffered from abuse at home. She is a powerful worship leader but her husband has no interest in church. We go to Kenyatta hospital and find that she is in a coma. We are told she is close to death. It is visible that the situation is grim but with Jesus on our side we know that all things are possible. With our hands upon her we begin to pray for life to shine within her once again. She is tied to a bed by her arms using pieces of a torn sheet. The hospital waits for her husband or a family member to come in before they treat her. Her husband is summoned by the pastor's stern call.

Feb 11, 2010 Some women from church carried water into the hospital today to wash Fran Iris with. They found her condition is improving! How great our God is. Today there is life in Fran iris eyes and she is recognizing faces! We thank God for all that he is doing in her life.

Feb 13, 2010 Saturday is usually not a day for the "Holy Spirit Pentecostal Church" to have a service. My Sundays have been spoken for of late and I don't speak out at night so they decided to open the church on Saturday. This invitation takes me into a slum I have never been to before. Kigami is about a 20 minute ride out of Nariobi. We arrive at the market area. There are goods for sale everywhere. There are stacks of beautiful colored cloth being sold by Somali women. I bought some cloth with a blue pattern to wrap around me when I go to Kitale. The minute they found out I like the blue pattern everyone was pulling out cloth from their stacks that had blue in it. I had service like you can't imagineJ There are many similarities within the slums and Kigami is no different. We walk down, down and further down the hill. My thoughts start thinking about after the service and how we are going to walk up, up and further up the hill in the hot sun. The Lord is my strength!

After having a muffin and soda at the pastor's home with some of his church members we walk to the church. It is a short walk from his home. We follow a small path out behind some homes. I see faces through the bushes. They stop what they are doing and just watch me walk by. I always try to address everyone either with a smile, a hello or a quick wave. It is amazing what a smile can do! It brings such happiness into their life to think that someone from America would come here and walk amongst them. When that person notices them their hearts fill with joy!

The church is dark inside with a dirt floor and sheet metal sides and roof. The men sit on one side of the church and the women the other. The drums begin to beat louder and louder. There is a small drum for one of the younger girls to use.

She is singing and her bare feet are dancing while she beats the drum at the same time. A couple of the men have much larger drums made with cow hide and dried by the open fire. After the time of song is over it is time to pray. The one door is closed and held shut by an old tire so that they may pray in darkness. Pastor John then welcomes me to speak and with Violet, my interpreter, the word is shared. Gifts of ties and pencils from America are given out to each one present.

February 14, 2010 It is hard to believe it is already Sunday. The week has gone so quickly. Children gather on the benches outside. They are very happy to see me coming. Last Sunday I spoke at the church near the river so I was not here. Each one comes to the front and shares a song, and then we have a time of review and the Bible story for the day.

Without the generator running the speakers and microphones are not being used. It is a little quieter in the church day. The songs within their hearts are still flowing heaven ward though. I see the hardships of their daily lives. I see how they go without. I hear the tight coughs from being cold at night or from the dust that fills the dry land. They struggle to give their children one meal a day. Then I see how praise erupts from their hearts when we come together. They have a dependence on the Lord that has brought their hearts closer to Him.

A cross made by Jan Hastings's late husband was given to the church in Kawangware slums today. It will be placed on the inside front wall of the church. Pastor Chris stated that it should remain with the church even when he is gone. The men looked it over in detail and praised his workmanship. It was a gift that touched their hearts. His work and giving heart has and continues to bless many.

Before speaking five more brand new Swahili Bibles were given out. They are beautiful and way too expensive for someone here to ever think of buying for themselves. Nancy Horn we thank you for the box of Swahili Bibles that you donated to this area. They now have the opportunity to consume the Word of God. Thank you!

We had a time of prayer for those that needed healing within their body after the service. Then there were those that came because they wanted to be closer to Jesus. It was a time of refreshing for many.

Fran Iris continues to improve every day. She not only recognizes people but she is now asking for food. We thank the Lord for his touch upon her life.

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.

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