Friday, December 26, 2008

The Silent Screams

Early Sunday morning we head toward the church. Everything looks the same. Very few that we meet along the way say "Merry Christmas".


A man joins our stride and begins to be part of the conversation.  As he fumbles his words the smell of alcohol fills the air.  We encourage him as we walk. We assure him that he is valuable and he is loved. We hear snickers and laughter coming from those we pass by.  Yes, this notorious thief is on his way to church. Many have fallen into the hands of this man only to leave bruised, beaten, bleeding and with much less in the wallet. 


Today is Christmas and God has brought our paths together.  Once inside the church, Shem falls to his knees and with hands lifted up he asks Jesus into his heart.


During the morning service there is a commotion at the back door.  Two women burst through the door and walk straight to the front.  They fall to the ground sobbing. With the smell of alcohol covering them and the air around them they ask for prayer.  They also ask Jesus into their heart.


Much work went into preparing a hot meal for everyone to enjoy after the service. There were many busy hands and many satisfied stomachs J  No one left hungry. The balloons that hung from the rafters soon became balls in the hands of the children. Fellowship, food, lollipops, the laughter of many children, and the Jesus movie filled the afternoon.


With night moving in upon us fast it is time for me to leave. Walking out of the slums I come eye to eye with many blood shot lost & lonely souls.  I meet those staggering left & right trying, but failing, to find the right path for their life.  The use of opium, glue and alcohol are so evident.  The screams for help are silent but obvious.


Does everyone walk by?


Luke 19:10

 For the Son of Man came to seek & to save what was lost.

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