Tuesday, January 1, 2008


This is a prayer request from Larry & Bev Neese who are missionaries in Kitale, Kenya. They are presently in the states as Beverly has cancer.
We met them in Nairobi and have been in touch several times while they have been here in the states. Joe & Nancy are training pastors in Kenya.
I have forwarded both letters to you.

Kitale is town where people stop for supplies. This would be one of our stops before we go up into Mount Elgon.

They greatly need our prayers. Also continue to keep us in your prayers as "timing" is so important. We don't want to be one step ahead of God. He always knows what is best.

We thank you so very much for your continued prayers,


Prayer needed for the people of Kenya,

Brothers I have just received this very disturbing email from a very good friend in Kitale where our main campus is located in Kenya. The elections in Kenya have been rigged and the president has had himself sworn in as the winner.

After talking to George Wafula the principle of our schools in Kenya he has requested prayers for his country one of the most stable countries in Africa until now. We are concerned for many of our workers as well as our teachers who are in areas where clashes are taking place. That is a tribe in the mountains Mt Elgon just one hour are armed and marching on one area that voted for president Kibaki and a number of homes and businesses are being burned and people killed. We are told that Bungoma, Kitale, Kisumu, Mombassa, Nakuru and other cities are experiencing tribal clashes and burning of businesses as well as people being killed. The area where our school is located was for president Kibaki the standing president and that in it's self is not good since he has rigged the election.

Please pray for calm in the country and that the duly elected president will be placed in office as per their countries laws.

I have a trip planned to depart on January 7 for a seven week time in the country which at this point is very questionable due to these problems.

Thanks for your prayers

Larry Neese

Dear Family and Friends,

We are not sure how much news anyone has of the election and the situation here in Kenya. We are asking you to please pray for Kenya to be restored to peace. We will update you on what is happening here.

As for Kenya's election - yes, Kibaki stole the election - in fact, we watched it on TV - it was done on national news and now the country is in chaos - rioting in many of the cities.
We have the GSU (General Security Unit-the red caps) here in Kitale, we heard gun shots last night over towards town, Kisumu town is on fire - Eldoret, Kakamega, Nakuru, Magori, Kericho, Kisii, Mombasa and along the coast and of course all throughout Nairobi - Mathare, Kibera, Embakasi, Keriobangi, Eastleigh slums all having riots. Transportation is shut down, stores are closed all over - this was as of last night. Even the news broadcasting of the chaos the government are setting up a "parallel government" in Kenya - whatever that means for the country???

What happened with the election - at shut down to try to "restore the peace". The last we heard last night, Riala Odinga went on the air to say that he and his people each polling station when the count was finished all the agents signed a report form called a 16A form. Then that official form and all the other papers were to be taken to Nairobi to the ECK (Electoral Commission) to be used to announced the tally on the news. Well, on national TV, when the ECK chairman read some of the "very late results", Riala's team realized the numbers had been changed and they produced original copies of the 16A for those polling stations that were different than the ones received and announced by the ECK - then a man who was hired by the ECK to receive the 16A forms and tally them came forward on national TV to admit to seeing those forms that were "altered" - he said that he went to his superior and when they wouldn't correct the situation, he left his job because he knew it wasn't right. Everyone went wild in KICC where the ECK were announcing from, and the "GSU red caps" came in put everyone out of the KICC compound. Then within 10 minutes they announced Kibaki the winner by 230 thousand votes and that was that. Everyone here in Kenya knows that the election was rigged so Kibaki could win. It is very, very sad.

We have been staying here on the compound - on Saturday we went in town quickly to purchase a few needed things and as soon as we left there was some serious fighting between the Kikuyu and the Luya and one person killed - the stores all closed down and everyone rushed out of town - then the GSU moved in - we haven't been in town since and we sure won't be able to go in for a few more days.

Please pray for the situation here and for our continued safety as we "ride this out".

In HIS Service,
Joe and Nancy

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